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Closet cleaning can be a huge task but often fun. It’s an opportunity to play dress-up which we all love. Today I’ll walk you guys through how I declutter my closet. If not the rules but I would say it will help if you don’t know where to start.

To start off, let’s divide our files into 6 sections. Recycle, Donate, Trash, Tailor, Sell and Keep. These key piles will set you up for a successful closet purge. Let’s go!


When you recycle your clothing I simply mean you will figure out other ways to wear the item. Most of the time we have clothes we think we should get rid of because we deem them as outdated but in fact, we just need to recycle them and pair them with something newer and more trendy. So this tip and post your comments and let me know on social media some of the things you tried.


Donate is when you get rid of clothes that are in fairy great condition but you no longer find any use for them but, you know someone else will. These articles of clothing are again in good condition so you are able to donate them or give them to a family member.


My favorite tip of all and why. As tall women, we often have to get clothes tailored because most designers do not cater to us so a quick hack is to find an amazing tailor and stick with them. This way when you are shopping and have to size up for the length you can easily take your items to your tailor and have them adjusted to your body type. Find a tailor ASAP ladies.


Who doesn’t love to get a little cash back from items they sell. When thinking of clothes you want to cosign, these particular clothes are in great condition and of great quality. enough to where someone would purchase it. It’s also tricky because you don’t want to go to a place where they do not offer you much for your clothing so I would check local areas for consignment stores that sell designer items. This way you’ll be sure to get what you deserve for your clothing.


Exactly what it sounds like trash lol, These are items that are damaged and cannot be repaired. Stains, holes, unintentional rips, and whatever other damaging thing you can think of. These are just going straight into the garbage because you aren’t able to keep, consign, or donate. No one has any use for these.


Finally the best part! here is where we can play dress-up. First, this pile consists of clothing that you love and you often wear. You’re not even thinking about consigning, donating, or tailoring. With this pile, I would say take your time and go through each item to ensure that you do not need to tailor. Often times we keep things in our closets that may need a little tweak, so keep that in mind when you are doing your at-home fashion show.


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