Standing 6 feet tall, I definitely know about some struggles that we tall women deal with. Growing up I was what you would consider being average height up until the 6th grade. I shot up like a speed of light but never thought anything of it until other students would point out that I was so tall. Even with that I still never cared, I just figured I was maturing before they were.

The older I got, I did realize some things that really annoyed me as a tall woman. Specifically, things I struggled with on the day-to-day. Most of these are all not serious to the point where it made me dislike my height but I just had to come up with a better way of doing things and plan ahead. So here are my top 10 struggles and as a bonus some tips to help you through these day-to-day errands.

1. Grocery Shopping

STRUGGLE-Grocery shopping and running errands when you need to use the shopping cart is one struggle that totally annoys me. The standard shopping carts are fine, but those trollies are a No-No for us. The issue is when you are at least 5’9 and up, those carts do not make our shopping experience good. They tend to lift up off the ground when you start to walk and it’s so frustrating but not the end of the world.

TIP- Always opt for the standard shopping cart or the basket, it will make your life so much easier.

2. Reminder of your height

STRUGGLE- To my surprise, people tend to always seem to want to remind you that you’re tall Like we didn’t know this already lol. It can be rather annoying but not enough to get a person upset. So always have a quick comeback to end the conversation.

TIP- Simply say ” Yes I know, I’ve been this height most of my adult life” There isn’t much more a person can say to that.

3. Assumptions

STRUGGLE- When it comes to being typed as an athletic person or a model just because you’re tall probably annoys you as well. People have to realize that all tall people don’t model or play sports.

TIP- Just simply say “Thank you, but I don’t play sports” or “Thank you but I don’t Model” I think a lot of people just really don’t know what to say to us so they say and do things that annoy us and they don’t even know it.

4. Silly questions

STRUGGLE- The infamous question ” Why do you wear heels?” You are already so tall. I laugh every time I hear this!.

TIP- My most undefeated comeback is ” Why do you wear makeup? you’re already so pretty” lol this will have a person just sit there in aww and they won’t know what to say.

5. Traveling by Plane

STRUGGLE- The legroom thing lol, it’s the absolute worst thing ever. Most planes are pretty much built the same, but I personally think Delta has the most leg but that’s just my opinion.

TIP- Fly Delta, book the emergency aisle seat, book first class or just suck it up lol.

6. Bathing

STRUGGLE- Taking a relaxing bath where you are able to totally stretch your legs out is not logical for us women who are 5’9 and up. We definitely have to bend our legs which means half of the leg isn’t getting wet lol. We twist and turn in order for our entire leg to get a little water lol. It’s not the best feeling when you want to take a relaxing bath and you can just sit in without the extra gymnastic moves.

TIP- Look for bathtubs that are 77 inches long if you can. For a person whose in the process of building a home, this if your opportunity to find your dream tub.

7. Cautious of Low Hanging things

STRUGGLE-We all know those low-hanging chandelier lights above dinner tables, right? Those are the death of us lol. The moment we stand up is the moment our head is met with a sudden bang! We definitely have to be strategic even when we are just standing up. Just like when we’re walking down the street and we see low-hanging trees.

TIP- Be mindful of where you’re sitting when your at a dinner table and there are lights hanging low. Also if and when you are walking down the street be aware of what’s in front of you. Low-hanging trees are another issue I have encountered. So slide to the left or right without being obvious to avoid doing that when you walk closer to it.

8. Low Tables

STRUGGLE- We can’t cross our legs under any low table like most women. I don’t know about you but when I see women cross their leg I roll my eyes lol, just kidding, but seriously small things like this can annoy us.

TIP- When you are faced with a low table just do the Dutches of Cambridge with or without the ankle cross. This position will allow you to remain in a feminine sitting position. Try it out!

9. Traveling By Car

STRUGGLE- Sitting in the back is never a good idea. Our legs get cramped way too quickly and it’s extremely uncomfortable.

TIP- Always ride in the front or at least try to. Try renting a minivan instead of a standard size vehicle. Those have so much more legroom, and Last, just fly lol. If the first two options are too much to think about just book a flight and go.

10. Shopping

STRUGGLE- We can’t just go to any department store and find clothing. It sucks but it is what it is.

TIP- Check out my blog post ” Shopping /tips For Tall Women” It won’t be a struggle after you read this.


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