white IKEA robe and relaxing with my becoming book

As a woman, we need to have healthy habits incorporate into our daily routine. It may not be easy for some of us who have children, husbands, and a full-time job but, trying to squeeze your healthy habits in can be very beneficial to your day.

Having a healthy habit routine starts the moment you wake up and get out of bed. Most people just jump straight out of bed, shower and then they are out the door. This isn’t the best way to start your day by rushing. It will ultimately be the pace you set up for the rest of your day. You can become irritated and annoyed at the smallest things and not know why. So take your time! Here are some healthy habits that women should incorporate into their lives starting today!


I will always recommend before your feet hit the floor, always give thanks to whomever you pray to. Gratitude is so needed so that people are aware and acknowledge the goodness in their lives.


be a little time-consuming but, I’ll be the first to say it’s well worth it. If I don’t make my bed in the morning, I feel my entire day is thrown off. Maybe it’s a mental thing but, It’s a step I don’t skip.

Neatly made hotel bed with 4 pillows.


Taking some time for yourself before getting into your day-to-day is important. You set the tone for your day! Most people don’t realize that you are the creator of your reality. You choose how you handle a situation, good or bad. So starting on a good foot would definitely be beneficial.

So take time for yourself each morning it’s worth it!


Most people are giving up meat and either becoming full vegan or vegetarian, so this will be easy for many. As a vegan myself, I would first recommend that you cut out dairy and anything white. The reason being is those two items are the culprits in many people getting sick. So it always will be number one on my list. Here are a few other things to cut out and incorporate into your journey.

  • No white sugar
  • No white bread
  • No white pasta
  • No white rice
  • No meat
  • No soda

  • Drink more water
  • More vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Herb Teas
  • Wild rice
  • Organic Foods

Start your clean eating today!

Hearty salads


Choose books that stimulate your mind and will add value to your life. Currently, I’m reading the “48 Laws of Power” and “The Modern-day Etiquette” books, both very interesting. While both are the total opposite, I still manage to combine what I’ve read into one. This is what I mean choose books that add value to your life.

books for healthy habits


Having a skincare routine is essential in having a healthy habit routine as a woman. You can obtain a spa-like experience just by picking up a few things from your local drug store. Here are some items you’ll need to get started.

  • Facial and Body scrubs
  • Face clensers
  • SPF
  • Moiturizer
  • Hyluronic Acid
  • Steamer and More
At home spa day


When it comes to working out, it’s definitely not for everyone. My motto is to do something that has cardio but make it something you enjoy. When you do something you enjoy that doesn’t feel like you’re working out, it makes staying healthy and fit so much easier. For example, boxing is a sport where you are using your body weight for 12 rounds. Throwing punches with your upper body strength, moving around left to right, and staying alert but, it’s actually fun and doesn’t feel like a workout, and you are burning calories. So pick something that doesn’t feel like an actual workout.


What can I say?! your health is your wealth! Keeping up with your health is one of the number one keys to having a long healthy life. So ladies, have your routine mammograms done yearly if your doctor recommends it. It is scary but, it’s better to know your status than not.


Many people suffer from childhood trauma and never dealt with it even as an adult. Not realizing that burying it doesn’t help. You have to release things to start on a healthy journey, so find yourself one. Clear out those old traumas so you can start living!


Want to make the change and start this journey for yourself and no one else. Be determined to want to start this healthy habit lifestyle.


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