pics of shopping mall

The question we all want to know the answer to is, do I need to go shopping? The short answer is yes just because we love shopping but, sometimes it’s not needed and, other times it’s a must. In most cases, if we do need to shop it’s simply because our closets are missing the key essentials that allow it to be a functioning wardrobe.

Here are a few ways to know if you need to go shopping.

You have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear

Your closet is full of trendy pieces, clothes your grandma gave you and, things that no longer fit your style. By doing this you’re essentially just setting your wardrobe up for failure and, who wants to do that?

Let’s start by doing a closet cleanse to clean out any items that no longer fit your style, things that need tailoring, and so forth. Check out my latest YouTube video below on how to declutter your closet. This is a great way to start before you think about going shopping.

Your closet upsets you

What I mean by this is, every time you go into your closet it’s supposed to feel like a home away from home. Instead, you feel like you are in a romper room. The key to loving your closet is, it should feel like your own personal boutique. Start by watching the Youtube video above then, head over to Pinterest to find some inspiration on how to turn your closet into a boutique. This will help with the esthetic of your closet and make you fall in love with it.

Image Source: Pixabay

You’re a chronic re-wearer

You can’t seem to find anything else to wear besides the things you’ve been wearing. Always choosing the same outfits is a good indicator that something is missing from your wardrobe and you may need to go shopping. Most of the time you’re missing those key pieces that would make your wardrobe functioning.

You have a bunch of gifted clothes

When people buy gifts for others it’s usually what they like and not what the other person likes. This one thing can cause your closet to have a bunch of clothes you never wear. Instead, have them purchase a gift card or some accessories, you can’t go wrong with that.

Your Missing the key wardrobe essentials

Finally, the most important tip of them all. if your wardrobe does not have the essentials needed for a functional wardrobe, you will always feel like you don’t have anything to wear. A way to fix this is to gather a list of all of the items needed to have a functioning wardrobe and purchase those first. This way you can mix and match and never be with anything to wear.


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