We have all been in this place once or twice in our lifetime. Being in a style slump isn’t fun at all! You can have a closet full of clothes and still feel like you have nothing to wear. There are so many reasons why a person can feel like they are in a style slump but I’ll give you just a few of the ones I think are the most common.

You Don ‘t Feel Inspired

When you open your closet doors, you should always feel like you’re walking into a boutique. Regardless of how big or small, your closet is, it should still feel like your own personal boutique. I know for me, my style was changing as I got older, so some of the things I had before I hit the big 30 I was over it. I wanted to dress more mature but, not like my mom, so I started with a closet cleanout and started from scratch. Start over but take your time and purchase things that will suit your new style.

You Reach For the Same Clothes

If you find yourself always reaching for the same outfits like its uniform, then my friend you are in a style slump. The main reason for this is you may have too many trendy clothes that are now outdated. One thing you can do is try remixing the trends. What I mean by this is to start by cleaning out your closet. Separate the things you do not want or that don’t fit your style. Then for the things that you do keep, try pairing the item with one basic wardrobe essential. For example, If you have a pair of old wide-leg jeans try pairing it with a basic white tee and layering it with a blazer. You have now taken this old pair of pants and remix it.

pink trousers for tall women with a denim jacket

You Feel You Gained Weight

We are in the middle of a pandemic and all have put on a few pounds, so you are not alone. One way to know if your few extra pounds have you feeling like you are in a style slump is you tend to go for the most relaxed clothing or clothes that stretch. This is a clear indicator that something isn’t right. In this case, there are a few things you can do.

  • Start by taking a walk everyday
  • Change your diet
  • Don’t speak any negative words towards yourelf
  • Surround yourself with positive people

This is one of the quickest ways to kick start your journey on getting out of your style slump.

You Make Excuses

Most of the time this usually hits home for moms and wives. You tend to put everyone else first and yourself last. You always make excuses why you never invest in yourself and why everyone else comes first. Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t prioritize but, it’s important to also invest in yourself as well. So go ahead and buy the thing you’ve always wanted.


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