cream frankie shop top and mango tan pants. Gold mirror in background along with cell phone in hand

As a style expert and a woman who has to be strategic when shopping because of my height, I’ve found that most of my clients struggle with these three things I will speak about in this article. I’ve learned early on what not to do when shopping as a tall woman. My reason was not to limit myself when shopping for new items for my wardrobe because I already had limitations because of my height, but I was shopping smart and not doing certain things. I figured I could buy what I wanted, and it made me happy. No stress, no struggle, and I got to an item I wanted in my wardrobe. 

When you limit yourself when shopping, It will ultimately make your shopping experience unpleasurable. With that, you shouldn’t do the things below. 


The first thing you should stop doing would be shopping based on price. Limiting yourself because of a price will end with you replacing items more frequently. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know people have a budget and stick to it, but choosing quality over quantity will always benefit your wardrobe.  

cream frankie shop top


Overbuying is nothing new, and many people do it without even recognizing that they do. As a stylist and someone who loves fashion, I’ve seen on many occasions where a person is excited when they see an item in the store and go crazy and buy all colors. You don’t technically need 10 of the same shirts in different colors. There are ways you can remix a top and wear it multiple ways so that each time you do wear it, it’s an entirely different look.

Remember, a great shopper will buy purchase items on different days, and doesn’t spend all of their money in one day, risking purchasing something they don’t really need or want. 


Ladies, know your measurement! It’s the key to looking polished and put together. When your clothes are too small or big if it’s not intentional. It will give off a sloppy look. Let’s take a button-up shirt, and it’s busting open because it’s the incorrect size. It tells me this woman purchased the wrong size and does not know how to shop for her body type. 

Let’s take a skirt where a woman is tugging at it all day. It is also a sign that someone is shopping incorrectly for their body type. As a tall woman, I have to be careful shopping at high street brands because they typically do not cater to tall women, and if they do, you have to order online.


Social media is the main culprit in this case! With the number of advertisements and fast fashion in your face, be sucked into it. You have to know who you are and what your unique style is and stay authentic to yourself otherwise, you will fall victim to it.


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