fashion mistakes

I don’t know about you ladies but, I feel Like I do no wrong in fashion lol just kidding, we’ve all made some style mistakes in the past. The good thing is once you’ve learned what you’ve been doing wrong, you can always fix it.

Here are my top 5 style mistakes women are making

1. ill Fitting Clothing

When it comes to your clothes not fitting your body properly, it’s defiantly not just you.

When a designer is creating a design, they are not thinking about the average size woman like you and me, so don’t be offended. Ill-fitting clothes are the number one way to turn your outfit from fabulous to tacky. Know your size before you go and it should be a little large so you can tailor it rather than too small.

2. Too Many Accessories

I’m sure we’ve all seen someone with a large statement neckpiece and the matching earrings and, instantly thought “Take it Off”. This is a major no-no and it looks tacky.

Try styling one without the other. Once you have one statement piece you don’t need another, especially jewelry. You can wear a smaller pair of earrings and the necklace or the large statement earrings and a dainty necklace but never together. Here is an example of too much.

3. Wrong Undergarments

Who else hates panty lines and ill-fitting bras? Well, I do and, I don’t like seeing when women aren’t wearing the correct undergarments. There are plenty of brands that sell seamless panties and bras that are seamless in the cup area, so there’s no excuse and you should never spill over in your bra, this is a tale-tale sign that it’s too small. So ladies, if you have to get your bra size checked once a year so be it.

4. Dressing To Young

Most people won’t agree but, at a certain point in life, certain clothes are off-limits. I’m not saying you can’t wear trendy clothing but, I would proceed with caution.

As a woman in her 40’s I have been revamping my wardrobe to a more mature one. No fast fashion for me. Investment pieces for the win! The goal is to avoid rebuying and replacing clothes every season. So, age-appropriate clothing ladies would also include better quality, so no Forever 21.

5. Over Doing Patterns

Theres’ a right and wrong way to mix patterns and, I have seen a lot of wrong ways this summer. To keep it simple, always take a photo of yourself in the outfit and look at it. See if it’s something that looks chic or a hot mess. You will know.

Stay stylish!


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