As a full teleworker myself, I can honestly say that this isn’t for everyone. Trying to stay focused while in the comfort of your own home can be pretty hard, especially when you have piles of laundry, kid’s toys, or dishes staring you in your face. It can be very tempting to go clean it up! If you want to…
I don’t know about you ladies, but shorts were never an option for me growing up. I never felt comfortable with wearing anything above my knees. For one, I never liked my legs, and two I never could find shorts that weren’t too short for my height. So I pretty much stayed away from them. As I’ve grown into adulthood,…
Let me start by saying not all-white sneakers are created equal. There is only a hand full of classic white sneakers that can actually go with everything, and then there’s those that don’t. When it actually comes to picking a classic pair of all-white sneakers, you have to take into account the leather, the tongue, the sole, and even the…
When it comes to someone’s personal style, people often think they don’t need any help or inspiration, they just kind of go with what they like. Then there are those of us who love getting inspiration from others. Either way, I think it’s a great idea to seek out inspiration from other sources regardless of where you find it or…
I don’t know about you ladies, but trying to stay on trend these days can be a bit stressful, and not to mention very costly. With the state of the world, most of us are being very cautious about where we spent our money, as we should, but this doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good ole shopping day. We…
Let’s jump right into it, topics like this never seem to get enough attention in my opinion, I’m not 100% sure why, but more conversations should take place to discuss the struggles tall women have while dating because there are plenty of them. When it does come to dating, there are two styles you may be familiar with, that’s “Traditional…