What are closet essentials? Closet essential are things that help with our everyday get-ready routine. Things we need to make our getting dressed process easy. Let’s jump into it, here are 10 closet essentials all closets must-have to make our getting ready process seamless. STEAMER Steamers and irons are essential to any normal person’s closet. I prefer steamers as they…
What exactly is wardrobe goal setting and how do you accomplish it? Wardrobe goal setting is something I like to say when doing closet edits or revamps. You’ll have to start with a goal in mind before anything. You don’t want to dive into your closet and start purging everything before understanding what your overall goals are. Let’s start with…
Growing up in New York City has its benefits, especially when it came to Fashion. Men and women were both on a whole other level when it came to style. But, when it came to dressing in business professional or business casual clothing women were not to be played with. Dressing for success is essential when it comes to getting…
As a woman who loves fashion and started her own styling company for women who struggled with finding their style, I’ve always felt that movies were the best place to get inspiration from, well at least one of the places. I have drafted a few of my top favorite fashion movies that every fashionable girl must-see. Let’s jump right into…
I’m sure all of you ladies who are 5’9 and up have this issue more so than the ladies who also fall in this category that are only 5’8. Drum roll, please, we are all unable to find clothes that fit our body type. This is by far the most common issue tall women have and probably the most annoying.…
We have all been in this place once or twice in our lifetime. Being in a style slump isn’t fun at all! You can have a closet full of clothes and still feel like you have nothing to wear. There are so many reasons why a person can feel like they are in a style slump but I’ll give you…